Control of a Batch
Process |
1) Signals, Systems and Control Department
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
University of Twente
The Netherlands
2) Kodak Corporation
To download the application in .pdf format, click here. |
However, there frequently are more outputs than control knobs to use for adjustment, and the inputs frequently affect many outputs simultaneously. Testing delay, more outputs than inputs, the desire for a first-order return rather than a step return to target for some products, and stochastic disturbances make this an interesting control problem.
Below is the transfer function plus disturbance model for a process like the one described above.
is the delay operator and the are disturbance signals.The three outputs
, and successively are the deviations from aim of photographic speed, contrast, and upper density point. The two inputs and are dye and laydown changes from preset starting values, and the delay of three accounts for the zero order hold and testing delay.The three disturbance models are first order integrated moving average, first order integrated autoregressive, and first order integrated moving average, respectively.
Design TargetsThe control law H for this problem follows by the minimization of a mean square error criterion of the form
E denotes the expectation, e(t) is the deviation of the output y(t) from its set point, and
is the incremental control action. and are weighting matrices.Fig. 1. Internal Model Control
& Disturbance Models
The control is computed by a polynomial algorithm. To this
end, the plant-disturbance model is rendered as
with D(t) the effect of the disturbances on the output y. The process model
is described by the right polynomial matrix fractionwith L and R polynomial matrices in the delay operator
. The disturbance model is taken aswith v a column vector of white noise inputs. The quantities
and are polynomial matrices in the delay operator, with diagonal, andfor the plant. The polynomial matrix
follows by the spectral factorizationThe superscript * denotes the adjoint, that is,
The spectral factor
needs to have all its roots outside the unit circle.The controller H may now be expressed as
where the polynomial matrix T, together with the polynomial matrix P, is the solution of the two-sided equation
reveals that
Furthermore, writing
we see that
The weighting matrices, finally, are selected as
% demoB
% Script for the demo "Control of a batch process"
% Define the data
L = [-77*z^-3 0.33*z^-3; 0 0.03*z^-3; 0 0.1*z^-3];
R = eye(2,2);
theta = diag([1-0.6*z^-1 1 1-0.55*z^-1]);
Phi = diag([1 1-0.5*z^-1 1]);
d = 1;
Q1 = diag([0.01 8 2.25]);
Nabla = (1-z^-1);
% Spectral factorization
Gamma = spf(L'*Q1*L);
The result is
Constant polynomial matrix: 2-by-2
Gamma =
7.7 -0.033
0.00074 0.17
for the matrices T and P. For this we use the routine
axybc. This solves the two-sided polynomial matrix equationTo turn into a polynomial matrix equation we need to multiply it by a suitable power n of
so that and both are polynomial and also is a polynomial matrix.Choosing n = 3 we have
% Solution of the two-sided
n = 3;
A = z^-n*Gamma';
B = Nabla^d*Phi;
C = L'*Q1*theta;
[T,U] = axybc(A,B,C);
T turns out to be 2×3 matrix of degree 1, as predicted by the theory (MacGregor and Harris, 1987):
T =
-0.04 -0.00025 + 0.00012z^-1
-3.8e-006 2.6 - 1.2z^-1 0.59
is polynomial because
is a constant matrix. We compute the controller as% Compute the controller H =
phi = R/Gamma*T;
The result is
phi =
-0.0052 0.065 - 0.03z^-1 0.015
-1.3e-016 15 - 7.1z^-1 3.4
The closed-loop response to the disturbances D(t) follows from the sensitivity matrix S:
It is not difficult to find from the block diagram of Fig. 1 that if the plant model exactly matches the plant then
It follows that
Thus we add the lines
% Compute the sensitivity
matrix S = psi/theta
psi = theta-L/Gamma*T;
% Plot the data
figure; clf
k = length(r);
for i = 1:k
for j = 1:k
grid on; axis([0 n -1.5 1.5])
Matlab produces the plot of Fig. 2 for the impulse response matrix. The step responses may be computed similarly and are shown in Fig. 3.
% Compute and plot the
disturbance step response matrix s
% Apply long division to (psi/theta)*1/(1-z^-1)
n = 10;
[q,s] = longrdiv(psi,theta*(1-z^-1),n);
% Plot
figure; clf
k = length(s);
for i = 1:k
for j = 1:k
grid on; axis([0 n -1.5 1.5])
Fig. 3. Disturbance step response matrix